
No one is safe. No one is immune. Your job could go "poof" at any moment. Mine did.

So, I'm taking this as a sign that I'm supposed to be doing something else. Yet another indicator that I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I'm working with a friend who is acting as a career coach, and on a different (yet relevant) note, I have never, ever, ever been so ready to have the kids back in school. They are driving me C.R.A.Z.Y. I cannot focus when they are here. There is nowhere for me to go without them there. And they are TEENAGERS. It's not like they need me to feed them or wipe their behinds... Yet, there they are. "Can I...?" "Why isn't...?" "When...?" and on. And on. And on.
Twelve more days.

I've had a few exciting "a-ha" moments in the past few days, while overhauling my resume. If only I could be left alone with it!

Stay tuned...
It's done! The basement has been done for several weeks. It looks soooo good! However, when you first see it, it doesn't look finished because there is no carpeting. Just a bunch of area rugs over a paint-spattered concrete floor. Hey, if you can't pay for it, you can't get it! We had enough cash for a nice new TV or flooring. The majority voted for entertainment. So while we've had several companies measure for the carpet and give us estimates, we likely won't be getting flooring until 2011, anyway. Some other priorities at the moment, including some beautiful new windows recently installed. (CHA-CHA-CHA-CHING)

My employer has instituted flex-time, so I have every other Friday off, while working longer days in between. Woo hooo! Just a quick, belated post here and I'm off to (I hope) check a few things off of a very looooong to-do list.

Spring is here, although some days are chilly; I can live with that. There is plenty of time for hot, disgusting temperatures! Sunny, cool days are my most productive.

I'll soon be back with an update on the latest birthday news; we've had several biggies recently. And time goes on..... (not that my "big" following here is waiting with baited breath or anything.)

Remodel Begins

We did it.

We cleared the basement in time, without having to stay up late or move cars out of the garage to accommodate "stuff", and, most importantly, without killing each other. We all worked together, as a matter of fact, and it was actually enjoyable. (Tangent warning! Our boys have really matured lately and have been pretty great about helping around the house. Especially shoveling. Shoveling, shoveling, and more shoveling, as we had at least 30" of snow during 2 storms last week.) Turns out, though, that due to the snow piled up against the accessible window, the guys decided to clear a path through our tightly-packed storage area where we put all of our "stuff" so they can access the non-snow-covered window, through which they will bring the lumber.

I could not bring myself to venture downstairs during this time.

Home Depot blew them off regarding the lumber delivery, so they went to Lowe's, who gave them a 10% discount and will have it delivered tomorrow. They picked up the Drylock and just finished doing that. Now they went to lunch - and to get fresh air! The excavator is expected to be here next Monday to dig out the spot for the egress window. Oh, and I wrote the first of several very big, very fat checks this morning. Ouch. Where's the Excedrin??

According to Ed, the contractor, our township is quite the stickler about everything. I believe he said there will be 5 inspections along the way, the first of which may happen soon after the Drylock is applied. (That's part of the township requirement.) He wasn't complaining; just commenting. We trust him implicitly, which is a big reason we hired him. He wants more business in this area, though, so I guess he's trying to make fast buddies with the inspector! (A big plug for Ed Case and his Basement Remodeling Company, based in the Harrisburg area.) This morning he had another meeting with the inspector regarding the R factor of the window.

In the meantime, I am trying to follow this post from Leo Babauta's Zen Habits blog in order to deal with all the paper clutter that accumulates everywhere. That's the worst clutter-stressor for me. And my (self-diagnosed) ADHD leads me in many directions and I often don't get anything done. I took off the day today because they're starting the basement, but I won't be working down there, so I might as well work up here. I am further distracted because all 3 of my boys are home, milling around. Methinks this may be a pizza-every-night-for-dinner week.....